Thursday, July 16, 2015

Diffrence between web server and application server

Q)Difference between Web server and App server
                Web server                                            App server
 1. web server is desined to serve server also can serve http
     http content                                       but not limited to http it can
                                                              be provided operatio0nal pro-
                                                              cals such as RMI/RPC.
 2.web server is designed to serve         2.capable of handling web server
    ststic content support scripting            task addtionally to that it have
    lang like perl php                               components to support applica-
                                                              cation level services such as obj-
                                                              ect pooling,connection pooling
                                                              messaging service
  **Diagram wise illustration

relation betwwen web server and application server
web server icon.
application server icon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Q). Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
ANS)Although DBMS and RDBMS both are used to store information  in        physical database but there are some remarkable differences between them.
The main differences between DBMS and RDBMS are given below:
1) DBMS applications store data as file. RDBMS applications store data in a tabular form.
2) In DBMS, data is generally stored in either a hierarchical form or a navigational form. In RDBMS, the tables have an identifier called primary key and the data values are stored in the form of tables.
3) Normalization is not present in DBMS. Normalization is present in RDBMS.
4) DBMS does not apply any security with regards to data manipulation. RDBMS defines the integrity constraint for the purpose of ACID (Atomocity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) property.
5) DBMS uses file system to store data, so there will be no relation between the tables. in RDBMS, data values are stored in the form of tables, so a relationship between these data values will be stored in the form of a table as well.
6) DBMS has to provide some uniform methods to access the stored information. RDBMS system supports a tabular structure of the data and a relationship between them to access the stored information.
7) DBMS does not support distributed database. RDBMS supports distributed database.
8) DBMS is meant to be for small organization and deal with small data. it supports single user. RDBMS is designed to handle large amount of data. it supports multiple users.
9) Examples of DBMS are file systems, xml etc. Example of RDBMS are mysql, postgre, sql server, oracle etc.         
    Q.)what do you mean by freeware s/w..?
ANS.)It is a computer software that is available for use at no monetary cost,which may have restriction such as redistribution prohibited and for which source code not available.

                              *logos of some of the freeware software

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

   Q.) what do you ,mean by open source software
Ans.)IT is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study,change and distribute that software to anyone and for any purpose.


difference between client server architecture and 2tire architecture

Client server architecture:
     client requests for services and server provides services(services:any resources e.g,data,file,object etc)

2 TIER architecture:
     layer or interface runs on client